Friday, 23 October 2015


Welcome to Take-a-Break (earlier called Lazy Refresh).
Take small breaks for your health while you make wealth :) .
Here is little app to help you take breaks in between work and do some lazy exercises. Start by configuring break interval time, start and end time and days etc. You will be presented a popup screen after set interval with alert notification and a short exercise brief. Enjoy doing the short exercise described in notes. You can stop the alert sound and vibration on notes screen by touching on it or pressing volume key.
Added basic profiles to demo whats coming next. Now you can choose a profile as per your like and it will prompt exercises as per your need.

JaiViru Mimi
small easy working app
Rated: 5 Star

Sumit Khurana
The time on which this app has to remind me, it just turn off my phone at that time.
Rated: 1 Star

A Google User
Nice app
Rated: 5 Star

A Google User
I set up hourly reminders starting and ending times everyday of week. I am not receiving alerts. Too bad just what I was looking for.
Rated: 1 Star

Ms. Dilly Reviews
Can't set to repeat hours and days
Rated: 1 Star

Serena Love
Can't wait until they add more stuff.
Rated: 5 Star

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