Friday, 23 October 2015

The Prayer Motivator Bible

The purpose of the Prayer Motivator Devotional Bible is to encourage you to pray to the God of the Bible everyday, without ceasing, for His glory.

We hope that this special prayer-focused edition of the Bible will inspire, encourage, and motivate you to pray daily and throughout the day so that you can receive the benefits and blessings of a prayerful life. Remember, this was put together to inspire action on your part. If you have no interest in actually doing the sometimes difficult work of prayer, then you do not need this Bible. This simple volume is designed to motivate you to pray. Because if you pray, all sorts of wonderful things will begin to happen for you, your family, and whatever God has called you to do.

Over 400 Verses on Prayer
Nearly 200 Passages on Prayer
Hundreds of Motivational Quotes on Prayer
In-Depth Bible Study Commentary from Matthew Henry
Over 200 Podcasts from Prayer Motivator Devotional broadcast
Over 200 Podcasts from Prayer Motivator Minute broadcast
Full Text of the Editor's book, A Praying Time
50 Princes and Princesses of Prayer
...and Other Great Features

Yvonne Sookdeo
This app will improve my prayer daily.
Rated: 5 Star

Gloria Sewor
It help
Rated: 4 Star

Michal Ashfaq Masih
It's really awesome I have fallen in love with this It's an app for true Christian
Rated: 5 Star

Prince Charles Armah Achen
This book is just superb.
Rated: 4 Star

Patricia Burnette
Says had Max downloads??
Rated: 3 Star

Steven Apau
Rated: 1 Star

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